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Garri Makes You Healthy: Nutritional Perks of this West African Staple

Garri Makes You Healthy: Nutritional Perks of this West African Staple

Garri , also known as cassava flakes, is a popular West African food made from cassava tubers.

It is a staple food in Nigeria, Ghana, and other African countries and is often eaten as a snack or used as a main ingredient in meals.

But did you know that garri is also packed with essential nutrients that can contribute to a healthy diet? In this article, we’ll explore the nutritional perks of garri and why you should consider adding it to your diet.

Why is Garri Healthy?

❖   Rich in Carbohydrates

Garri is a rich source of carbohydrates, providing about 360 calories per 100-gram serving.

This makes it an excellent source of energy for the body.

Carbohydrates are essential macronutrients that provide energy to the brain, muscles, and other organs.

Consuming garri can help provide the body with the energy it needs to perform daily activities.

❖   Good Source of Fiber

Garri is also a good source of dietary fiber, with about 5 grams of fiber per 100-gram serving.

Fiber is essential for maintaining healthy digestion and preventing constipation.

It also helps regulate blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of glucose in the bloodstream.

Consuming garri can help improve digestive health and promote regular bowel movements.

❖   High in Vitamin C

Garri is also high in vitamin C, an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in immune function.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.

It also helps the body produce collagen, a protein that is essential for healthy skin, bones, and connective tissue. Consuming garri can help boost the immune system and promote healthy skin.

❖   Contains Essential Minerals

Garri is also a good source of essential minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

Magnesium is essential for maintaining healthy bones and muscles, while potassium helps regulate blood pressure and supports heart health. Calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth.

Consuming garri can help ensure that the body is getting the essential minerals it needs to function properly.

❖   Low in Fat and Sodium

Garri is low in fat and sodium, making it a healthy addition to a balanced diet. Consuming foods that are low in fat and sodium can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Garri can be a healthy alternative to other carbohydrate-rich foods that are high in fat and sodium, such as fried potatoes or chips.

Best way to eat Garri?

This popular staple is very quick and easy to prepare. Garri is made from cassava and can come in two different colors, white and yellow. There’s not much difference except that the yellow is processed with palm oil while the white garri is processed without. It is versatile and can be enjoyed in several ways:

1. Garri with cold water/milk/sugar: This is one of the most popular ways to enjoy garri. Simply pour garri into a bowl, add cold water, and mix with sugar and milk to taste.

2. Garri with hot water: Similar to the above method, but instead of using cold water, you use hot water. This makes the garri into lumps, making it softer and easier to swallow. It can now be enjoyed with soup, especially Egusi soup, vegetable soup, or okra soup. The taste is unbeatable.

3. Garri with milk and sugar: You can enjoy garri by adding milk and sugar. Simply mix garri with cold water, and add milk and sugar to taste.

4. Garri with groundnut: Another way to enjoy garri is by adding groundnuts. Simply roast the groundnuts, grind them, and mix them with garri. Add sugar and milk to taste.

5. Garri with beans: You can also enjoy garri with beans. Simply prepare the beans and add the garri as a side dish just as mentioned in number (1) of this listicle. Mix well and enjoy.

Overall, garri is a versatile food that can be enjoyed in several ways. Feel free to experiment with different combinations to find your favorite way to enjoy it.

Where to get Garri

Garri is a popular West African food made from cassava tubers. It is widely available in most African or West African food stores or markets worldwide.

You can also find it online on various e-commerce websites or African food stores that offer online shopping and shipping services. You can visit top distributors like Abiom Supplies to quickly make a purchase of this African treasure.

Additionally, some supermarkets or grocery stores may carry garri, especially those that specialize in international or ethnic foods.

If you are unsure where to find garri in your area, you can try asking for recommendations from local African or West African communities, or search online for African food stores near you.

Final Thoughts

Garri is a delicious and nutritious food that offers several health benefits. Its high carbohydrate content, fiber content, vitamin C, and essential minerals make it a valuable addition to a healthy and balanced diet.

While consuming garri in moderation can contribute to overall health and well-being, it’s important to keep in mind that it should be consumed as part of a varied diet that includes other healthy foods.

Excessive consumption of garri can lead to some side effects like weight gain and Cyanide poisoning.